Maya Rabinovich-
Researcher of consciousness - Writer and Moderator.
Lectures, Courses, Books, Oracle cards, Tarot cards and game.
Some published by "U.S. GAMES" in United staes and "De Avalon lo Scarabeo".
Maya now lives in the center of Israel. she is married and a mother of three children. She has lived around the world for 13 years, her base was in India. From there she went to Brazil, Europe, Africa, Japan ... Maya participated in various body and soul journeys, and explored the secrets of spirituality.
Maya studied in Japan from the late Pram Mangala, one of the great teachers of Puna, and an expert on card readings. She came from the psychology field and believed cards can give an answer to every spiritual need.
These days Maya teaches how to read Aleister Crowley's Tarot cards in the way most known in the world AND she performs workshops using her books and cards with children and adults in a variety of
Books and Cards:
Open Secrets
Journey bettwen kingdoms
Secrets of the forest
The game- The Game of Life
Secrets of the luck
True KABBALA Tarot
The book- The right direction
And soon.. A new Tarot deck in U.S.A and more special surprises.